Posted April 1, 2020
Sahabat asshidiq aqiqah sudah mengetahui belum tempat aqiqah/akikah yang memiliki Pak...
Posted April 1, 2020
Waktu aqiqah putera laki laki maupun perempuan yang dianjurkan menurut manhaj salaf yaitu tepat pada hari ke-7...
Posted April 1, 2020
Pengertian Aqiqah Aqiqah menurut bahasa adalah mencabik atau memotong. Arti Aqiqah juga bisa jadi seb...
Posted April 1, 2020
Berapa kambing untuk aqiqah anak laki? Dikutip dari BincangSyariahdotcom, disebutkan bahwa aqiqah dengan ...
Posted April 1, 2020
Hukum aqiqah anak adalah sunnah muakad sesuai pendapat Imam Malik, Imam Syafi’i, Imam Ahmad dan jumhur u...
[blockquote]nazirb ghy said:
consuming. No loss, no gain! If you want to have clear skin, you've got to cut out the sugar! So here are some of the tips that we personally have tried to reduce sugar in our (lives). So the first thing I try to do is I generally don't drink much soda to begin with, because it's loaded with so much sugar. And there's always healthier options like water, which might be a little boring, but you can throw some frozen fruit in there, or just fruits in general, to make it have some sort of a flavor. Or there's also teas. For me, soda is non-negotiable. Like I try very hard to not drink it. Actually I haven't had it in a long time and it's one of those things if you don't have it for a long time, you don't really crave it. One thing that's kind of in the gray zone for me is a hundred percent fruit juice. My body works in a way where it can process the sugar from fruits really well. But I know for other people drinking juice, even if it's 100% fruit juice, it will affect them the same as like drinking soda. So it really depends. Juice is almost as bad as soda sometimes because it's got just as much sugar in it. You just don't necessarily think of it as that much because you're like, "Fruit!!" We don't want to get too scientific on you guys. The sugar
Established since 2007, As Shidiq is a company engaged in the procurement of qurban animals, aqiqah services and catering.
In order to present halal and thoyib products and quality services, as a Shidiq Aqiqah has been certified Halal from LPPOM MUI, LAIK HYGIEN from DINKES and is the only aqiqah institution in Indonesia which has ISO 9001-2015 certification from SAI Global in Australia. .
As Shidiq Aqiqah Provides full services ranging from procurement of procurement, slaughtering, cooking services, to starting making rice boxes. Until now, As Shidiq Aqiqah has served Tens of thousands of Customers and continues to increase every year with sales of goats reaching Tens of thousands of tails. Therefore, as Shidiq has increasingly improved to improve the quality of service for the achievement of customer satisfaction with the certification process and quality management.
Thanks for share it, GREAT BLOG and FORUM
Great POST, Nice article
Jasa Aqiqah