You might have learned in biology class that periods occur when the uterus contracts to help shed the uterine lining through the vagina. But what is not commonly known is that to enable these contractions, inflammatory hormone-like substances called prostaglandins are released. Too many prostaglandins can cause the uterus to contract strongly and reduce the flow of oxygen to the uterus muscles, causing severe cramps. recipes for period cramps
1. Magnesium: This nutrient is known to alleviate PMS symptoms like mood swings, anxiety, and stress. It can also help with muscle relaxation and reduce headaches.
2. Vitamin C: It is well-known that experiencing heavy period flow can lead to iron deficiency. Having Vitamin C-rich foods during your periods can help enhance iron absorption by the body and keep extreme fogginess and weakness at bay.
3. Calcium: Most commonly found in dairy products like milk or cheese, including calcium in your diet is one of the most natural ways to ease period cramps. It helps reduce cramps, water retention, and bloating.
4. Omega-3s: An essential nutrient in seafood, Omega-3 plays an important role in reducing inflammation and relieving pain, even your monthly cramps!
5. Vitamin-B: If you are looking for a super-nutrient to fight off cramps, then vitamin B is what you need! It can help reduce most physical symptoms of periods like cramps, exhaustion, and even muscle pain.
During your periods, there is the regular release of an egg from the ovaries, the thickening of the uterus lining, and its shedding if pregnancy doesn’t happen. There are surges of various hormones throughout your body to keep your reproductive cycle functioning. According to NHS, a body mass index (BMI) of less than 18.5 can impact the production of hormones. Like any other body function, your reproductive cycle requires energy to run smoothly. Calorie deficit on period can take a toll on overall health. So, it is crucial to know what foods to eat and what not to on period days. Check out how a calorie-deficit menstrual cycle impacts your overall health. calorie deficit menstrual cycle
1. Hormonal changes
Several hormones are responsible for the smooth running of your menstrual cycle. Energy is required for adequate production and release of these hormones. Studies show that a calorie-deficit diet causes hormone imbalances like estrogen and progesterone imbalance, which can impact the menstrual cycle.
2. Missed Menses
Calorie deficit for women for long periods poses a greater risk of having amenorrhea, which is the absence of menstrual periods for several months or more. Amenorrhea occurs if your body fat drops so low that ovulation stops. This can negatively impact reproductive health if not taken care of.
3. Reduced Reproductive Function
Studies show that women with calorie-restricted diets had increased incidences of menstrual disturbances like anovulation (lack of ovulation). This can contribute to the uterine lining building up and bleeding heavily in an unpredictable pattern. The exact cause is unknown, but researchers believe it is due to unbalanced hormone levels in the body.
4. Other Health-related Problems
Depriving your body of energy affects your menstrual health and other bodily processes. Oestrogens and oestrogen receptors regulate various aspects of glucose and lipid metabolism. Low estrogen can lead to menstrual irregularities in females, a low sex drive, reduced bone density etc.
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