Good afternoon all,
I have a spooky Halloween map that I'm putting together for my group's next session and, if at all possible, I really want to equip the players' tokens with flashlights for use with the new dynamic lighting. I've found a video (linked below) where someone pulls off exactly what I'm hoping to achieve - problem is, I'm not very code-savvy and have no experience with the API. Can anyone who's an experienced Roll20 master-user go through the video and provide a simplified guide on how to do this? If you have an alternate method or plugin to advise, please let me know. Thank you!
The two great commandments are to love God and neighbour, and we show our love of God by loving our neighbour and this includes the love of creation.
But are there more universal commandments, such as the Golden and Silver Rules and the command to ‘Do good, avoid evil.? However the two great commandments are most important for believers, be they Catholics, Protestants or Jews. Thus to be a good catholic should we focus on these great commandments?
Is the best way to love our neighbour to obey the Social Teaching of the Church?
I see on the web
From previous posts one can understand that loving neighbour is more that just believing in principles, action is needed.
It may seem that CST is similar to politics, but one needs to realise that CST does not include party politics. I emphasize that CST is in no way similar to partisan/party politics.
I have started using SE recently, and I must say that this is a game about exploration. In the opening post and its subsequent comment chain, I have found that the goal of this concept is to create a survival-RTS/resource management game, performed in 3rd person and outside of installations.
I would like to add to this discussion with the following: in my opinion, using any perspective other than 1st person will completely remove the exploration aspect of the upcoming game and destroy all immersion. This game will no longer be awe-inspiring and all sense of scale will be lost, as the experience will turn into a simple survival/strategy game with procedural planets.
The most important reason that this game is as awe-inspiring as it is in its current state is the presence of 3d ground clutter, along with the ability to place the camera close to the terrain and move at 2.00m/s. Remove that ability, and every object in the game would instantly lose its scale. Actual, believable mountain vistas would turn into dynamic wallpapers/backdrops for the actions happening in the foreground.
You stated that the reason for your decision was that a player model would be too difficult for a developer. Allow me to propose an alternative: the player model does not have to be present. Instead, multiple effects could be added on screen (i.e. sliding helmet visor), each of which will be far easier to program than many routine aspects of this game.
The ships could be modelled in the subnautica style: relatively simple interiors with modular items that have a radius at which they could be interacted with.
Does anyone know where I can get LED replacement lights for the kick plate inside the door which illuminate the ST sign? Many thanks
Getting pregnant at 20, is it acceptable?