If you want to get success in IELTS writing, parameters play a very important role here. These 4 parameters are Task achievement/Task response, Coherence and cohesion, Lexical resource and GRA (Grammatical Range & Accuracy). Let’s get into the depth if IELTSwritingcohesionandcoherence. Coherence and Cohesion secures 25% marks of the whole writing. Students do not pay attention to this most important factor or sometimes they are actually not aware about coherence and cohesion – what actually these are?
Coherence means the flow of writing. How perfectly ideas are organized as it indicates logical structure of the content so that the examiner can comprehend your written essay without any efforts. On the other hand, cohesion refers to linking words used to connect ideas. These linking words called cohesive devices i.e. connectors.
How cohesion and coherence are connected with each other?
For those who have not a very good control on English language and English is not their native language, still coherence in IELTS writing can easily be achieved with the help of cohesive devices. Linking words make connections between sentences. Similarity or contradiction between two ideas can easily be shown by using connectors and whole writing goes in a flow and examiner easily understand the relationship between former and latter sentence easily.
How to make your IELTS writing coherent?
Many IELTS takers struggle with coherence and cohesion in writing. Although they complete their essay, write ideas, take care of grammar and vocabulary, ambiguous relation between two sentences without usage of cohesive devices which automatically creates confusion for the reader as well as writer is also not very much satisfied with writing task explanation and reader stops himself to give desirable band score to the students.
Some other ways to get more coherent writing:
To summarize, cohesion and coherence are indispensable to convey your ideas sequentially in IELTS writing. So, if you are one of them who want to score 7+ band score in IELTS, Abroad Gateway, located in Chandigarh is the right place to approach as they are expert in Immigration, IELTS, PTE, TOEFL, DUOLINGO and many more English proficiency tests and they have records of thousands of students clearing their English proficiency test and visas approval.
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