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I think a male trainer is more suitable for those who need a more challenging training program. A friend of mine liked to feel excessively sorry for himself, but after a shake-up from a trainer, he started to change and now he is strong and confident. Do you prefer a male or female trainer at a personal training gym in Singapore?
Oddly enough, I think there is a point to this. I was wondering what the Secret Santa at work was going to get me, I had a childlike sense of lust and celebration. So he gave me a skincare set . I was worried that it wouldn't suit my skin type or my age, but it's a very good set that is considered versatile, it adapts to different skin types. I decided to test it on my husband as he has drier skin than me and the result was good too.
When I started learning French, my tutor advised me to watch their movies with subtitles, without dubbing. By the way, I was able to do that and learned the language much faster. Do you watch movies online in the original language or with dubbing?
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