facilities, in accordance with

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    channel diagonal bracing, pull rod should be located in 1, 80m above. 12, in the middle for formwork should be the first stop, support, and stigma sealing plate. A nail to prevent air, Fu TA and falling accident. 13, the use of door type steel frame, using Moqing supporting facilities, in accordance with the provisions set level and scissors. 14, there are holes on the template should be installed after the hole cover. Concrete board reserved hole should be in after stripping the hole cover. 15, the demolition template should

    be approved by the construction technical staff. The operation should according to the order of segments, is prohibited to pry the fierce, hard hit or a large area and the front suspension skid falls down, leaving no loose and hanging template. 16, demolition cornices, balcony dangerous parts of the template, should be under the shelf, safety net or hanging safety belt, and try to make less fell into the template frame and a safety net, a small drop in the frame, the safety net template should be cleared up. 17, before

    hardening, around the fence or warning signs should be set, an important channel should set up special care, people are forbidden to enter. 18, according to the sequence of removal from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, first removed support level and inclined support, after the demolition of demolition of formwork support, Liang Yingxian side die after the demolition of the bottom die, demoulding should not standing on the side of the station, a few people at the bottom formwork, formwork should pay

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