Knee Sleeves and Braces to Help Common Causes of Knee Pain

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    Knee pain is common among all age groups. This may be because the knee is the largest joint in the body, or it could be because there are so many causes of injuries and medical conditions affecting the knee. Keep reading for the most common causes of knee pain.

    Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

    Patellofemoral pain syndrome is sometimes called runner's knee. It also affects people who do repetitive movements, such as biking, jumping, or climbing. This syndrome causes pain around the kneecap while bending the knee and results in knee swelling. Doctors often recommend knee sleeves and braces to help stabilize knees and give them the support they need.


    Many older people suffer from knee osteoarthritis. Cartilage often deteriorates, and the bone becomes denser. Pain is usually worse when people use their knee and better when they rest it. Osteoarthritis also produces stiffness. Anti-inflammatory medications generally help with osteoarthritis, and injections in the knee also help. In some cases, knee supports and sleeves help to reduce pain.

    Sports Injury

    Many people who play sports will experience a knee injury. In this case, a knee will usually heal best when it has limited movement. The Hg80 knee braces are great options when recovering from knee surgery or an injury. Ask a healthcare provider to fit the knee brace properly for best results.

    Baker's Cyst

    Sometimes a fluid-filled cyst forms behind the knee. It can cause extreme knee pain and stiffness. A baker’s cyst usually forms after arthritis or torn cartilage, as the knee begins making too much lubricating fluid. Usually, anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy treat baker’s cysts.

    Torn Meniscus

    Athletes can tear their meniscus by using forceful twisting motions. These twisting motions cause tissues in the knee cartilage to tear. Patients experience pain, swelling, stiffness, and difficulty extending the knee. Anti-inflammatories, rest, and ice are the most common treatments for a torn meniscus. Sometimes, however, people require surgery to repair the tear.


    Inflammation of the tendons can occur when someone overuses a tendon during repetitive activities such as running, cycling, or jumping. Tendonitis of the patellar tendon is also called jumper's knee. Tendonitis often occurs when playing a sport such as basketball, where the athlete hits the ground with force after jumping. Rest, ice, and anti-inflammatories are the best treatments for knee tendonitis.

    Understanding what causes knee pain can help guide patients to the best treatment. Knee sleeves and braces can often help in the healing process.